Dental Implants
Dental implant placement is nothing new in dentistry, and its popularity is not only unbroken, but growing. This is due to the unmatched durability of implant-supported prostheses and the very low risk associated with implant surgery.
We are proud to say that
the implant success rate of our specialist, Dr. László Párkányi is 99%,
which is well above average. In addition to his medical expertise, experience, and attentiveness, this can also be attributed to guided implant technology.

What is guided implant placement?
An important aspect of this technique is the so-called “backwards planning”, which means that the dental prosthesis is planned first, although the actual prosthesis is fabricated only at the very end of the treatment. This allows us to plan the position of the implants in accordance with the prosthesis.
Based on the digital impression, a surgical drill guide is made, which accurately determines the position and angulation of the implants so that they act as stable anchorage for the future prosthesis, allowing for optimal load distribution.
The implant drill guide eliminates the potential for error (often measured in tenths or hundredths of a millimeter) that may compromise the final result when placing the implants freehand.
Digital Dentistry – Guided Implant Placement
How does guided implant placement work?

We will discuss your wishes and needs and carry out a thorough and comprehensive examination of the mouth.

Digital diagnostics
Successful treatment is based on adequate diagnosis and planning. We will take a panoramic X-ray and CBCT scan here at the clinic.

Our specialist, Dr László Párkányi, will plan how many and what size implants are needed, in what positions and at what angles. If necessary, we will design and print the digital drill guide using our 3D printer.

Implant placement
Once the implant is in place, the healing period follows.

Completion of the final superstructure and prosthesis
When the healing period is over, we make and fix the previously designed prosthesis in place.
Guided Implant Placement
Fast, precise, and minimally invasive
Implants are placed using less invasive surgical techniques, thus making the recovery faster and more pleasant for you.
The treatment time is also reduced: placing a solo implant only requires about 20 to 30 minutes.
Thanks to precise planning, the restoration can be fabricated more quickly, saving you unnecessary visits to our clinic.
Implant-supported prostheses made this way are more durable and comfortable on account of good load distribution.
In some cases, where it is necessary to protect the jawbone structure or nearby nerves, the use of an implant drill guide is the only way to ensure safe implant placement.
Implant-supported prostheses